CA Geheimagent

Example of CA Geheimagent
Example of CA Geheimagent
Example of CA Geheimagent
Example of CA Geheimagent


Glyphs: ≈452

Supported Languages:
Western encoding
Central European encoding

OpenType Features:
Discretionary ligatures (dlig)
Stylistic alternates (salt)
Slashes zero (zero)
Proportional lining (pnum+lnum)
Tabular lining (tnum+lnum)
CA Geheimagent
Designed by: Stefan Claudius

CA Geheimagent is perfect for setting text about restrictions, or permissions if you prefer. Not quite a text font, not quite a headline font, it’s a bit of both. The Italic style break up the strictness of the regular fonts. They are fast and forward and make a perfect mix with the severe upright uppercases. Have a deeper look to see the nice little differences between regular and italic, it’s not just the angle! Try to render the font and trash it up a bit. Cut it, paste it — it will survive. Because it has already seen everything since it’s origin as a prohibition sign in an industrial harbor.

Click to edit text:
CA Geheimagent Regular
CA Geheimagent Italic
CA Geheimagent Bold
CA Geheimagent Bold Italic



PDF Document

Documentation for a list of all characters in the font

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